Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery at Central
A Christ-centered recovery group for all of life’s habits, hurts, and hang-ups
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery group for anyone who has hurts, habits, or hang-ups. At some point in life, that’s pretty much, all of us.
Do you have trouble setting limits for yourself?
Do you sacrifice your identity, desires, or needs to make others feel good about themselves or to keep the peace?
Do you struggle feeling safe when you aren’t in control?
Do you raise your voice to get your way?
Do you act kind on the outside, but feel bitter on the inside?
Do you use food, sex/pornography, relationships, alcohol, or drugs to cope with life’s problems?
Do you struggle with your body image?
Do you love someone struggling with destructive behaviors, such as pornography, drugs, or alcohol?
Do you live with someone who abuses you physically, sexually, or emotionally or feel the continued effects from past traumas and abuse?
Don’t give up! There is hope…
Join us every Friday night
6:00 to 7:00 pm - Dinner
7:00 to 8:00 pm – General Meeting
8:00 to 9:00 pm – Small Groups/Newcomers 101
9:00 to 10:00 pm – Hang-out
Childcare is available.
Why do we exist?
To connect the unconnected to Christ and together grow to full devotion to him.
What do we do?
We serve God by reaching out to others so together we can step out of denial into God’s grace. By taking an honest and spiritual inventory, we will get right with God, ourselves, and others, which will allow us to grow in Christ while helping others.
Celebrate Recovery Small Groups are…
  • Facilitated by Celebrate Recovery Leaders who have been through recovery themselves.
  • A safe place to share struggles and victories in issue-specific and gender-based groups.
  • A place to find community, accountability, and sponsors.

Groups offered include:
  • Newcomers 101
  • Freedom from Anger
  • Drug/Alcohol Addiction
  • Love & Relationship Issues (Women)
  • Sexual Purity (Men)
  • Shattered Vows for women that have been betrayed by sexual addiction.
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics
  • Codependency
  • Food Addiction/Eating Disorders (Women)
  • Gambling
  • Sexual Purity (Women)
  • Divorce
I couldn’t do it on my own.
When you realize that you are powerless over your hurts, hang-ups, or habits, you will also realize you need others to help you. In Celebrate Recovery, you will find others that have walked the same path as you, and who will encourage you through their experiences, strength, and hope.
For more information about Celebrate Recovery Groups, email Bob.Wood@centralchristian.com or call 702-735-4004.